As I said, this is the first of a shit-ton of references to the cult classic film. Wikipedia puts the total at six times throughout the series (original run), but I feel like it is higher. We shall see what my official tally is. The only movie referenced as much in the Gilmore girls is the Godfather.
I'm just gonna start by saying that the Shining is straight-up CREEPSVILLE. I am a 100%, grade A, scaredy-cat wuss. I freely admit this. But damn! This flick pulls out all the stops to really freak viewers the hell out. First of all, the movie is based on Stephen King's amazing book of the same name. As is the case with every movie based on one of King's works- the book is better. WAY better. However, taken as it's own thing, the film holds up well as just a damned good, scary movie.
Secondly, Stanley Kubrick directed the Shining. While I'm not fully on the Kubrick-can-do-no-wrong band-wagon, the dude knows how to instill a vibe of something just not quite right in everything he creates.
Finally, the casting of this film. They found the perfect person for every role. From the lead character of Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson)... his wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall)...
...their son Danny and his "invisible friend" Tony (Danny Lloyd)
...the iconic twin girls...
...and the myriad of other characters that pop up , the Shining produces the absolute CREEPIEST person they could possibly have cast for that particular role.
The plot is this. Jack Torrance, "recovering" alcoholic and world's worst dad, decides that it would be a super-cool idea to take a job that requires his wife and young son to be snowed-in to a giant, creepy, haunted-ass hotel built on an ancient Indian burial ground in the middle of nowhere, for several months. Oh, and the dude who previously had the job killed his family with an axe. Jack's not worried. He plans to use the solitude to write.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Jack and Wendy's son, Danny, possess the ability to see the past and future, and to creep me the fuck out. He talks for his "invisible friend", Tony, in a voice that sends chills straight up my spine and makes me crap my pants in utter terror, while wiggling his index finger. However, he does give us this awesome scene on a sweet Big Wheel!
Creepy Danny on his Big Wheel
You can imagine how things play out. Jack descends quickly into madness as the many, MANY ghosts in the ancient hotel convince him to begin drinking again. The shit hits the fan, with spooky ghouls presenting themselves to Danny and Jack, and Jack hacking his way into his families hearts with an axe.
The Shining is a great movie, but ultimately the book is light years better, for the same reason that all King's books are far superior to the movie adaptations. Inner dialogue. King's tales of terror are always driven by the inner dialogue of his characters. We feel what they feel. We hear their deepest thoughts. These things provide us the critical information that we need to dissect the deeply complicated themes in the stories he creates. This can't be captured in a film. At least not in 90 minutes.
My rating system, as always, is based on Pippi Longstocking. Pippi, adorable oddball that she is, would never accept a standard 1-10 rating system. In light of this, I have opted for a system as follows:
1 Gold Pippi Coin= Pure crap
1 Sack of Gold Pippi Coins= Pretty Good
1 Treasure Chest of Gold Pippi Coins= Fantastic
1 Cave of Pippi Coins= Holy shit, I'm quitting my job, buying a family size bag of Doritos, and watching this movie on a constant loop.
I gave this flick a rating of 1 Sack of Gold Pippi Coins. While I thoroughly enjoy this flick as a stand-alone movie, I can't help but compare it to it's exponentially better literary counterpart.
1 Sack of Gold Pippi Coins= Pretty Good
1 Treasure Chest of Gold Pippi Coins= Fantastic
1 Cave of Pippi Coins= Holy shit, I'm quitting my job, buying a family size bag of Doritos, and watching this movie on a constant loop.
I gave this flick a rating of 1 Sack of Gold Pippi Coins. While I thoroughly enjoy this flick as a stand-alone movie, I can't help but compare it to it's exponentially better literary counterpart.
Thanks for tuning in for another edition of Dean's Black, White & Read Nights! I hope you've enjoyed this little romp through a great movie with me! Check out my previous installments and be on the lookout for my review of the Antonio Banderas and Angelina Jolie sex-fest, Original Sin.
If you'd like to leave me feedback or ask a question, shoot me an email at I love to hear from you guys!
If you love the Gilmore girls, check out my Under the Floorboards podcast with my pal Elizabeth Allen. We review each episode scene-by-scene, following our tangents where they lead while making fun of lots of people in the process. Just like life in Stars Hollow! Plus, we give you all the latest updates on everything Gilmore!
Also, if you are a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender , the animated series, give a listen to me and my son's podcast, TeamBoomeraangKickACast.
And now I leave you with the creepiest of all the creepy scenes from the Shining...